Echoes Africa Initiatives

We share a commitment to help improve the situation of the population we serve by advocating for, and empowering them so they can navigate their peculiar situations.


To end social injustice for marginalized communities, address mental health, and provide media platforms for the underserved to tell their stories thereby fostering understanding and creating a sense of urgency about their situation. Make direct impact by connecting the population we serve to resources and empower the most vulnerable in the bid to drive change and advance equity.

A world of equity where marginalized groups are not left behind.

Social Impact. Build a community. Drive Change. Good Stewardship. Excellence.


My Story, My Power!

The quest to engage, empower, redirect purpose and bridge the gap of social justice for the younger generation in marginalized communities informed the conceptualization of the “My Story, My Power program.

Touch of Green Musical Concert

Featuring Daddy Showkey and other great artists.

Namibia 2025 Mental Health Conference

“Everyone, whoever and wherever they are, has a deserving and inherent right to the highest attainable standard of mental health.” –WHO
That mental health has been included in the Sustainable Development Goals is indicative of h vital it is to people’s general well-being and their ability to live quality, productive life.

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