Programs and results

Telling their Stories and Giving them a voice

Echoes from the Valley (Television show)

This platform and medium of communication has been particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic as through it, we have been able to educate and enlighten our target population in the Bronx and Africa, on the virus and protocols they need to follow to keep themselves, families, friends as well as the public healthy and alive. During the lockdown in New York City and across the globe, we continued to educate and inform the public, while reiterating the need to stay home and keep safe. Through this professionally packaged production we told the stories of the underrepresented communities we serve. We reached about millions of viewers in our target communities in the fiscal year 2020.




Engage the Community (Town Hall Events)

Conferences / Townhall Meetings

The coronavirus pandemic disrupted planned programs and activities worldwide. We were unable to host physical gatherings due to the need to keep safe however, the devastating impact of COVID-19 did not deter of us from engaging the people we serve, it rather made it imperative that find ways and means to reach them. We successfully hosted two virtual town hall meetings.

We organized and hosted a virtual town hall meeting on July 11, 2020, to address systemic racial injustice in the United States. With the theme, the Healing Process: Unmasking the Numerous Faces of Systemic Racial Injustice, the town hall meeting was planned in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. It was a platform for people in the communities we serve to address the injustices embedded in the system that directly impacts them. The virtual event witnessed an impressive turn out of members of the Black community and influencers in the community who all let out bottled up feelings and together, could see a path to healing- individually and collectively.

In August 2020, we also organized a virtual town hall meeting for girls of African descent with the theme, The Mentor I Need to Fulfill my Potential. This engagement with young women in the communities we serve was organized with the objective of learning directly from the population for which our mentorship program is created. The outcome and feedback from participants exceeded our expectation and is instrumental to the launch and subsequent offtake of our Be a Mentor / Mentee (BEAM) program.


In October of the fiscal year 2020, we organized a community outreach in the Bronx to encourage people to go out and vote in the United States general elections. We also gave out PPEs such as masks, hand sanitizers and gloves together with the election informational flyers to a total of 158 people in the community.

December, we organized another outreach in the Bronx at which we gave out groceries and PPEs to a total of 120 people in South Bronx; people who were adversely impacted by the pandemic.

On December 31 of the same year, we also organized an outreach in an orphanage in one of the suburbs of Nigeria’s federal capital territory, Abuja. We hosted an end of the year party for a total of 85 kids in the orphanage. We fed the kids, donated food items to the orphanage in addition to the party organized to put smiles on the faces of vulnerable children.